Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

you :3

tiba-tiba pernah nangis gara-gara kamu,kamu panik dan gak bisa tidur 
" Tears somehow more important than smiles. Cus Smile can be given to anyone, but Tears are only for those people who we never want to loose "
aku tipe orang yang pengen selalu dimanja dan diberi perhatian
" If I leans towards you, kiss me. If my hand is free, hold it. And if I am upset, hug me till I'm okay "
aku pengen tau apa yang kamu lakuin kalo kamu gak sama aku
" When I text you, that means I miss you. When I don't text, that just means I'm waiting for you to miss me "
aku suka dengan beberapa caramu memperlakukan aku
" I love how you'd kiss me in the middle of saying somethin, there's not a day I don't miss those rude interruptions ❤ "
" One of the best feeling in the world is when you're hugging the person you love and they hug you back even tighter " 
kamu membuatku terbiasa dengan pelukan dan ciumanmu hingga siapapun yang menyentuhku kamu tau yang ku inginkan hanyalah kamu. 
" I know the hug doesn't mean the same to you as it does to me, but still, I could hug you all day ! "

tnx 4 lovin me :*

You're not my friend, friends don't look at each other like we do, so what are we? 
at the other side..
you are not my boyfriend but I  ❤  your kiss, hugs, smile, advice, kindness & the times we laugh together 

tapi ingat,aku pernah bilang ke kamu : Aku bukan orang yang suka nunggu dalam hal apapun..
" Actions may speak louder than words, but there are still three words EVERY girl wants to hear "
" If you like me, TELL me. If you miss me, SHOW it. If you love me, PROVE it  !"
" If you love me, let me know, If you don't, let me go " 
do you know ? I really enjoying this relationship/friendship but sometimes I think : stuck in this (critical) point is really wasted and make me feel like a deceiver for my self , my parents , and our friends.#criticalpoint(petroleumpointofview):titikdimanatidakbisadibedakanantarafasa'single'danfasa'in-relationship'

berharap ini gak pernah terjadi di antara kita
" The worst feeling is when someone makes you feel special, then suddenly leaves you hanging, and you have to act like you don't care at all "
sometime I think that you "just play with me" coz you afraid to show me to our friends and you try to hide our relationship to them. What's wrong ? You ? Me ? or the risk ? can't you try first ? or the truth : you really wanna 'play' with me ? answer it !!!!
I want to be the girl who you look at and smiles then say to your friends, "that's her."
hope he is NOT you...
A player is only a player until he finds that one girl that makes him feel like he has won the game 

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